Yes, you can move Collections around. The official "Microsoft" way is to
Create your new, empty collection.
On that new collection, right-click, and you want to "link to" the existing
collection. Now you'll have two "instances" of the collection, exactly the
same. It's really the *exact* same collection, just listed twice (2
Go to the original one, right-click and delete--CAREFULLY read the notes...
it should say something along the lines of "do you want to delete this
INSTANCE ..." If you do, then continue and delete.
Unofficially, if you are comfortable with a 3rd party tool, you could try
CollTree is meant for SMS2003, but I'm assuming you are on sms03 because
you're on the sms03 forum. If you are on configmgr07... I don't recall if
colltree has been used by Configmgr07 admins. I don't see why not--the code
hasn't really changed for collection structure from 03 to 07... but I haven't
tried Colltree in 07 yet.
Post by ChrisGarth,
The problem is that I can't move collections around from one "folder" to
another. I have to delete and re-create it. Is there a way to avoid that? I
even tried to export/import. The import always put evernthing under the root
Post by GarthYes it is possible. Create a Collection then create sub collection below
it, this will act like a folder.
Post by ChrisIs it possible to create something like folders for collections? I'd like to
put collections into several categories. I can create a new collection as a
place holder like folder. Then create more collections under it. The
problem is that I can't move one "folder" to another one. I hate to put all
collections under the collection root. It's just too many. Had to find.
Garth Jones
Chief Architect
Enhancing Your Business