SCCM2007Sp1 Advertisement is targetting computers that are not in a custom collection
(too old to reply)
2009-08-19 20:43:25 UTC
Hello all,

We have setup SCCM 2007 w/ SP1 and all was working fine until yesterday. For
some reason when I advertise a package, which I have successfully created,
to a custom collection of 6 computers, the status log of the advertisement
shows that it is targeting other computers that are not even in the custom
collection. I don't understand!!

I have tried to delete and recreate a collection with other names and also
deleted and recreated the package with different software but no matter what
instead of showing the number of machines that are in the collection, it
continues on to other computers!!

Never seen this before in my work experience with SMS or SCCM 2007.

Any ideas anyone??
Sherry Kissinger [MVP]
2009-08-19 20:51:04 UTC
Possibly random thought/red herring, but it sounds like it could be a
duplicate GUID issue. Is it possible/plausible that this company created
their image, put the ConfigMgr client on it, and didn't follow docs to ensure
the GUID would be unique post-image?

ConfigMgr will attempt to clean up duplicate GUIDs, but until you fix the
source of a duplicate GUID problem, you'll continue to have random issues
like that.
Post by Vinola
Hello all,
We have setup SCCM 2007 w/ SP1 and all was working fine until yesterday. For
some reason when I advertise a package, which I have successfully created,
to a custom collection of 6 computers, the status log of the advertisement
shows that it is targeting other computers that are not even in the custom
collection. I don't understand!!
I have tried to delete and recreate a collection with other names and also
deleted and recreated the package with different software but no matter what
instead of showing the number of machines that are in the collection, it
continues on to other computers!!
Never seen this before in my work experience with SMS or SCCM 2007.
Any ideas anyone??
2009-08-20 12:24:14 UTC
That is a possibility! The group that images the workstations used ghost and
but running a quick check with powershell on some of the workstations
doesn't seem to indicate that the guids are the same. If it is the case that
the duplicate GUIDs is the problem, how do I trick ConfigMgr into not
looking at the guids but just the computer names? Fixing the guid problem
might take a long time.
Post by Sherry Kissinger [MVP]
Possibly random thought/red herring, but it sounds like it could be a
duplicate GUID issue. Is it possible/plausible that this company created
their image, put the ConfigMgr client on it, and didn't follow docs to ensure
the GUID would be unique post-image?
ConfigMgr will attempt to clean up duplicate GUIDs, but until you fix the
source of a duplicate GUID problem, you'll continue to have random issues
like that.
Post by Vinola
Hello all,
We have setup SCCM 2007 w/ SP1 and all was working fine until yesterday. For
some reason when I advertise a package, which I have successfully created,
to a custom collection of 6 computers, the status log of the
shows that it is targeting other computers that are not even in the custom
collection. I don't understand!!
I have tried to delete and recreate a collection with other names and also
deleted and recreated the package with different software but no matter what
instead of showing the number of machines that are in the collection, it
continues on to other computers!!
Never seen this before in my work experience with SMS or SCCM 2007.
Any ideas anyone??
Sherry Kissinger [MVP]
2009-08-25 12:15:03 UTC
There is no possible way to trick ConfigMgr into looking at just the computer
names. The GUID is the Unique ID. The computer names is really for you, the
human, to differentiate one object from another. ConfigMgr could care less
what the actual netbios name is. It's the Unique ID which to it, is what
makes 1 object unique from the others.

ConfigMgr will attempt, on it's own, to remediate duplicate GUIDs. That may
be why you don't see duplicates with powershell. By the time you look, the
guid has been fixed. You could look in your console; there's a node for
duplicates. If you see any, you may have this issue.

Your best bet is to work with the people that did the image, and confirm
whether or not they followed best practises for installing the client on a
ghosted image. Remember, this is just a possibility. Perhaps they did
scrupulously follow the correct procedure.
Post by Vinola
That is a possibility! The group that images the workstations used ghost and
but running a quick check with powershell on some of the workstations
doesn't seem to indicate that the guids are the same. If it is the case that
the duplicate GUIDs is the problem, how do I trick ConfigMgr into not
looking at the guids but just the computer names? Fixing the guid problem
might take a long time.
Post by Sherry Kissinger [MVP]
Possibly random thought/red herring, but it sounds like it could be a
duplicate GUID issue. Is it possible/plausible that this company created
their image, put the ConfigMgr client on it, and didn't follow docs to ensure
the GUID would be unique post-image?
ConfigMgr will attempt to clean up duplicate GUIDs, but until you fix the
source of a duplicate GUID problem, you'll continue to have random issues
like that.
Post by Vinola
Hello all,
We have setup SCCM 2007 w/ SP1 and all was working fine until yesterday. For
some reason when I advertise a package, which I have successfully created,
to a custom collection of 6 computers, the status log of the advertisement
shows that it is targeting other computers that are not even in the custom
collection. I don't understand!!
I have tried to delete and recreate a collection with other names and also
deleted and recreated the package with different software but no matter what
instead of showing the number of machines that are in the collection, it
continues on to other computers!!
Never seen this before in my work experience with SMS or SCCM 2007.
Any ideas anyone??